Whether you went and bought a lot of shiny new toys like a flat screen TV or a bunch of video games, or you used your credit card to pay for your daily expenses when you were out of a job doesn't really matter. What matters is that now you can't pay your credit cards anymore because your cash flow is very limited and your cards are maxed out and you can't use them anymore. You are probably desperate to find a way how to get rid of your debt and protect your family from all your creditors who are after you threatening to sue you and take everything you own.
American Bankruptcy Institute, Chicago Bankruptcy Lawyer, Jacksonville Bankruptcy Lawyer,
If you have been thinking about credit card consolidation services or other alternatives to bankruptcy, then let me tell you something: there aren't any. You either pay your balances or at leas the minimum monthly payment or you file bankruptcy.
Listen, credit consolidation will not protect you against lawsuits and wage and bank account garnishments. The companies that offer these services are not capable of stopping any legal procedure against you. In many cases, they'll ask to be paid in advance and once you get sued, good luck trying to get an answer from them. If you do, they'll tell you to ignore the lawsuit and that they are negotiating for you. I know this, because it happened to me. Don't trust them! Credit card companies and debt collectors will come after every single thing you own and will put you on the street.
You can spare yourself and your family from all this unnecessary financial risk and stress by speaking to a bankruptcy lawyer about your situation. He or she will explain clearly what a chapter 7 bankruptcy is and what you can expect from it. Sure, it will put a dent on your credit report, but trust me, as soon as your bankruptcy is discharged, your credit score will recover far quicker that if you remain with a bunch of maxed out cards making minimum payments only.
Bankruptcy is not for deadbeats but for those who are in a deep financial hole and are desperate for help. You can get a free and confidential consultation by filing out a form online with your contact information and the amount of money that you owe. This is the first step of getting out of your financial ruin and get back on your feet again.
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