Bankruptcy Law Firms Cite Top 5 Benefits of Bankruptcy

Have you ever felt that you are in a sea of debt and that you are trying to swim to shore but you just can't? Are you so far in debt that you can't seem to get a handle on the problem? It may be worth your while to file for bankruptcy.

We recently surveyed several bankruptcy law firms to summarize the top five benefits you can get when you file:

1. Delay and Avoid Foreclosure on Your House

If you home happens to be in the state of foreclosure, filing bankruptcy will likely stop and definitely delay the foreclosure process any time before the sale. You will not be able to eliminate mortgage payments on your property without making payments. However, bankruptcy will give you some time and help to structure a plan so that you will be able to repay any mortgage payments that you are behind on.

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2. Reduce or Eliminate High Medical Bills.

Sometimes a catastrophic illness or an unfortunate accident can completely ruin a family. Sometimes, a family has to pick and choose as to which bills must be paid first to keep afloat. If you file bankruptcy you will get immediate relieve and can greatly reduce the amount of your medical bills.

3. Gain Time to Find New Job After Loss of Employment.

Studies have indicated that loss of a job is a very common reason for people to file for bankruptcy. This is simple to see. A family can live comfortably on two or perhaps just one salary. A person can handle a regular amount of debt, pay normal bills, and join clubs with relative ease. Then, out of a clear blue sky, one or both spouses may lose a job and the income drastically drops from two salaries to one.

If you lose a job, you can find yourself without health insurance. This seems to be an awfully steep mountain to climb unless you declare bankruptcy.

4. Keep Your Heat and lights On.

You have probably noticed that many of these reasons for declaring bankruptcy overlap. If your home is soon going to be foreclosed upon, then perhaps your utilities may be at risk for being shut off. Filing for bankruptcy will prevent your utility company from pulling the plug and leaving you in the dark.

5. Stop the Embarrassing and Harassing Creditor Collection Calls

Constant phone calls and letters from collection agencies and possibly even lawyers cause a lot of stress. With bankruptcy, these will stop. Even better, you will have the opportunity to significantly reduce your debt obligations legally and possibly eliminate most of them.

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