A deadbeat is a person who willingly and knowingly avoids total responsibility towards paying back his or her debts. Those who have fallen behind on their debts due to a divorce, a medical emergency or a loss of income due to being fired do not qualify as deadbeats and shouldn't be treated like one. The sad part is that in the eyes of your creditors, someone who went and racked a huge credit card bill gambling or someone who was forced to max it out to pay for a medical emergency are one and the same and they will treat you like trash.
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Bankruptcy Chapter 7, Will I Be Able To Get Credit Again?
If you are up to your eye balls in credit card debt, the last thing you want is credit. But credit is an important aspect of our life's. After all, you can't purchase a house or a car with cash unless you are super rich. And if you were super rich you wouldn't be thinking about bankruptcy.
When you file for a chapter 7 bankruptcy, your debts get wiped clean with a few exceptions. Your credit score begins a slow recovery and before you know it, you'll be back on your feet. Free of worry and anxiety about how to pay your bills or if you are getting sued or not.
Chapter 7 Requirements
Look, nothing sucks more than being stress out about paying bills, dealing on the phone with a jerk who is threatening to sue you for everything you own. After all, you want to provide a great life for your family, but life threw some lemons at you and now you have to make lemonade.
A chapter 7 bankruptcy is the first step in getting your finances in order and dig yourself out of the hole. The process is very straight forward: you speak with a bankruptcy lawyer, you provide a clear picture of your financial situation with bank records and pay stubs as well as a list of all your debts. Your bankruptcy lawyer then files the chapter 7 with the court and a judge will either grant you with a discharge or ask for more evidence.
After that, you are debt free! and it's time to get a handle on your spending habits and pay close attention to the money coming in and going out.
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